Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fenelon Falls, Ontario, CN

In 1911, The Department of Railways and Canals of Canada described Fenelon Falls as "The place to spend your vacation, if you want Health, Happiness, Good Bathing, Good Boating and Good Bass Fishing".

Entering Fenelon Falls Lock is special. The rapids from the falls swirls in a small basin with high rock walls violently pushing the boat both into the rocks and away from the lock.

The centerpiece is the falls.

That said, the small town is picturesque, sporting a beautiful long quay with flags and flowers, an active restuarant trade and many shops. There's electric and water on the wall and we tapped into WiFi from a nearby restuarant so life is good.
"Roundabout", Ken and Terry who we first met in Kingston NY, arrived here as well to take on passengers (a daughter and friend from Toronto) who will go with them to Port Severn.

We've decided that this would be our turn around point on the Trent-Severn. With the time remaining we would like to revisit Kingston, Ontario, then continue on into the Thousand Islands to Gananoque, Clayton and Cape Vincent before heading back to Oswego and home.

The weather here this afternoon and evening was just wild. The afternoon brought thunderstorms and downpours, while evening saw high winds. At night, the wave slapping and wind noise made it hard to sleep, and this morning it is 55 degrees and still windy out.

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